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You have visited the official page of UNDEFINED — a festival of programming, demoscene, homemade electronics, retro computers and everything else, which takes place approximately twice a year in the suburbs of St. Petersburg, Russia.

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The festival is sheduled at March 1, 2025.

Location - Russia, Leningrad region, Roshchino village, Pesochnaya street, building 1, Raivola country hotel (hall on the ground floor of the mixed-use complex).
[Show on map] [Hotel website]

[Telegram channel] [Telegram chatroom] [Web IRC chat (join #undefined)] [Peer-tube videos (on maintenance)] [Habrahabr articles] [GPG key] [BBS (on maintenance)]


Use theese credentials to donate arbitrary amount of money to the festival admins:

Sberbank, Tinkoff: +79161618822 - Никита Вячеславович А.


Realtime PICO-8 coding competition is ahead. Bring on your laptops.

Previous competitions: [2022] [2023]

Webpage history:

[2022 winter] [2022 summer] [2023 winter] [2023 summer] [2024 winter] [2024 summer]
